Publicize a Small Business

5 Steps to Publicize a Small Business without Paying for Advertising Advertising is expensive, and often ineffective. I’m constantly amazed how often I’m trying to watch a video on YouTube only to be interrupted by an ad that has absolutely nothing to do with what I’m watching. I mean, I’ve gone on to watch children’s cartoons where they were running ads for car insurance! As I skip past these ads without watching them, I often think to myself, “Do people realize they’re paying money for me to skip their ads?” Fortunately there are better ways to publicize a small business than mistargeted advertising, and the good news is, they’re less expensive, and they deliver a better return on investment. Here is a simple five-step plan that incorporates some of the most effective, least costly tactics. 1. Publish Articles on a Blog A blog gives you an efficient, cost-effective platform you…

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Copycats versus Copywriters

The Three Kinds of Copywriting Copywriting legend Eugene Schwartz, whose writing generated over $1 billion in sales, said that there are three types of copywriters. Here I’ll call them “copycats,” “formula copywriters,” and “creative copywriters.” If we draw a sports analogy, we can say these three categories are equivalent to amateurs, rookies, and veterans. Let’s look at what makes the difference between an amateur copywriter, a rookie, and a seasoned pro. Copycat Copywriters Copycats are copywriters who have all the creativity of a thesaurus. Their idea of copywriting is to copy successful headlines and ads from swipe files and reword them. This approach is to copywriting what article spinning is to article writing. This method is most frequently used by non-writers who do something else for a living and have to perform copywriting functions out of necessity, or by beginning copywriters who have just taken a crash course. Schwartz said…

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The Unique Selling Proposition

The Foundation of Modern Marketing In 1961 marketing pioneer Rosser Reeves introduced the concept of the Unique Selling Proposition (USP) in his book Reality in Advertising. Since then the USP has become the foundation of modern marketing. In recent years the Internet has brought the concept to a wider audience.Despite this, relatively few have truly grasped the essence of the USP or how to apply it. The term is often used loosely to describe other types of sales offers that are not really USPs. There are also some newer spinoffs of the USP that are not exactly USPs either. Here I will clarify what a USP is and contrast it with some of its close relatives. In the process I will give some guidelines for creating USPs, along with some examples. The Elements of the USP As its name indicates, there are three main components to the Unique Selling Proposition:First,…

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