Publishing for Publicity

How to Promote Your Business with a Book

Why Promote Your Business with a Book?

Your Book Is a Big Business Card

Publishing a book is one of the best ways to promote your business and open new doors. Being a published author automatically denotes you have authority status, which increases perceived value about your work and builds trust. That means your book makes it easier to get interviews, speaking engagements, and higher-value clients. Using your book as a sales tool is a great way to pre-screen your prospects as well as educate them on your services. In short, your book is a win-win for both you and your client.

So what gets in the way of publishing a book for profit? Most professionals would say they don’t know the process or how to get started, much less promote it effectively. No matter how good the content of your book is and how much value it will give your future clients, your book needs to look good with an eye-catching cover and professional typesetting for interior pages as an initial indicator of the quality of your service delivery. The good news is we have editors, designers, and print production specialists who will give you a product you can be proud of to represent your expertise and enable you to publish for profit.

Roy Rasmussen and Marian Hartsough
authors of Publishing for Publicity: How to Promote Your Business with a Book

Learn more about how you too can promote your business with a book with Publishing for Publicity: How to Promote Your Business with a Book, available at today.

Our Services

writing and editing

Writing & Editing

We can assist you in writing your book, or if you prefer, we offer ghostwriting services. We do extensive research, including market research to make sure you have a viable market. Our seasoned copy editors and proofreaders will ensure your manuscript will be professionally prepared.

Book Design & Publishing

We will work with you to get you the book of your dreams. We provide interior and cover design that will exceed your expectations. But just as important, we will help you navigate the world of publishing, from editing to print production, always there to answer your questions.

Publicity & Marketing

We will help you develop your Unique Sales Propositions (USP), so you know going in how to position yourself in the marketplace. We provide you with a press kit to kickstart your book promotions, as well as direct you to arranging media appearances, press releases, and more.

internet marketing

Internet Marketing

Today, social media marketing and video marketing is crucial in connecting with your potential clients and readers. It’s possible to connect with your prospects via LinkedIn, Twitter, and others in a way that you become an influencer in your field. Publishing a book adds to your authority


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